University of Belize (Amendment) Act, 2019

The University of Belize (Amendment) Act increases the age for compulsory retirement for persons employed at the National University.

Initially, the University of Belize Act called for mandatory retirement at the age of fifty-five. More precisely, section 29 read: “Faculty and other staff members of the University holding pensionable posts shall retire on attaining the compulsory retirement age of fifty-five years.”

The amendment, however, repeals and replaces this original compulsory language with the option to retire at the age of fifty-five. Under the revised Act, section 29(1) reads: “Faculty and other staff members of the University holding pensionable posts may retire on attaining the age of fifty five years.”

The option, however, only extends for five additional years, as UB pensionable staff are now obligated to retire at at the age of sixty, as stipulated under section 29(3).

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